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  • 高精細度透過(guò)型彩色測試卡(FOOD)
  • 高精細度透過(guò)型彩色測試卡(FOOD)


產(chǎn)品描述: 高精細度透過(guò)型彩色測試卡被用于檢查整個(gè)圖像的紋理。你應該把注意力集中在面包、可樂(lè )餅或餐巾布中,觀(guān)察水果和火腿片的銳度,檢查包裝紙盒頂部表面的亮度以及椰菜花的細節,...
  • 產(chǎn)品描述


    這個(gè)測試卡被用于檢查整個(gè)圖像的紋理。你應該把注意力集中在面包、可樂(lè )餅或餐巾布中,觀(guān)察水果和火腿片的銳度,檢查包裝紙盒頂部表面的亮度以及椰菜花的細節,以此來(lái)評價(jià)電視最高白平衡再現性。




    ? 有效面積 外形尺寸
    透明型 272×153 310×200

    This image is used for checking the texture of the entire image. You should focus attention on the bread rolls, the croquettes or the fabric of napkins,observe sharpness of fruits and slices of ham, check brightness of the top surface of the box in wrapping paper, and evaluate reproducibility of details with cauliflower at highest white level. The trunk of the plant and the shades of plates in the image are useful to adjust the darkness of a screen.?

    The piled paper napkins on the left of the image provide an indication of vertical resolution because the part of the image consists of 700~800TVof horizontal wedges and inter-line flicker is likely to become obvious here. The images of pattern of melon and piled plates show whether pairing state happens and things related to interlace scan. The egg is effective to find ghost and reflection caused by matching problem of delay line, also red carnations and the blue can are suitable to check resolution-degradation and waveform distortion, which happen when color-difference signal is band limited, in saturation area.

    This chart is only available for transparent type.

    ? Effective Area Outer Size
    Transparent Type 272×153 310×200

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